international students

This part of AStA is responsible for international students in Marburg and their connection with other parts and services of AStA.

We see the life quality of international students as the center of our focus. Questions about accommodation, work rights, bureaucratic processes like visa extension, and problems like racism or all kinds of discrimination are important because international students do not have the basic rights like German students. So our first duty is to help them find the answers/solutions and second, to address the problems they face as problems in the structures of our university/city, with the final goal of improvement or change.

If you have ideas, questions, or topics that you would like to discuss with us, you can come to our office hours at any time or write us an email.


Das Referat ist verantwortlich für internationale Studierende in Marburg und deren Verbindung zu anderen Teilen, Referaten und Dienstleistungen des AStA.

Wir sehen die Lebensqualität internationaler Studierender als den Mittelpunkt unserer Aufmerksamkeit. Fragen zur Unterkunft, Arbeitsrechte und bürokratischen Prozessen, wie die Verlängerung von Visa sowie Probleme wie Rassismus oder jegliche Form von Diskriminierung sind wichtig, da internationale Studierende nicht über die grundlegenden Rechte wie deutsche Studierende verfügen. Unsere erste Aufgabe ist es daher, dich bei der Suche nach Antworten und Lösungen zu helfen. Zweitens ist es unser Ziel, die Probleme, denen du gegenüberstehst, als strukturelle Probleme unserer Universität/Stadt anzusprechen, mit dem endgültigen Ziel der Verbesserung oder ändern.

Wenn du Ideen, Fragen oder Themen hast, die du gerne mit uns besprechen möchtest, kannst du jederzeit zu unseren Sprechstunden kommen oder uns eine E-Mail schreiben.


iranisches Abendessen mit politischem Nachtisch

Kochen wird wieder politisch! Das Marburger Kollektiv zur Unterstützung der Frauen*Revolution im Iran und die Gemüse-Kombüse laden euch herzlich ein zu einem iranischen Abendessen mit politischem Nachtisch.

am 21. Juli um 20 Uhr

Seminar 24.05.2022: Understanding the war in Ukraine

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25.11.2021, 6 pm: The Queer liberation movement

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AStA? What is AStA? Why do we need AStA?

The General Student Committee (AStA) represents the interests of all students. It is the elected representative body for all students at the University of Marburg. To achieve this, the Marburg students annually elect the Student Parliament, which subsequently elects the government, known as AStA. The committee is comprised of various individuals, including referents, the executive board, and permanent staff, each of whom takes on different roles within AStA (see "How to Get Involved?"). These roles encompass tasks such as organizing parties, providing political education, offering assistance, managing student union funds, overseeing the semester ticket, engaging in committee work, and handling IT-related matters. The framework for this operation is defined by the Hessian Higher Education Act and our own constitution. The existence of both the parliament and AStA is mandated by the former, stemming from the post-war era (for more on AStA's history, please see our AStA history page).

To fulfill the legally stipulated responsibilities, funding and personnel are required. Funding is contributed by the students themselves. In each semester fee, a small portion is allocated to self-administration. Self-administration means that we, the students, independently organize and collectively shape AStA. The university, in parallel, is also organized under a self-administration framework. Key bodies in the university structure include the Senate and the University Presidency. As part of the university, students are represented in the Senate alongside various employees and professors. For an approximate overview of these bodies and their interconnections, please refer to our organizational chart.

However, student life encompasses more facets than examination regulations, appointment processes, and objectives. This is where student self-administration comes into play. The most prominent example is always the semester ticket. Currently, two student staff members are responsible for regular negotiations with transportation authorities. Without their efforts, the Marburg semester ticket would not offer the cost-effective advantages it does today.

Furthermore, for questions related to financing your studies, problems with your employers, or legal matters regarding your lease agreement, you can always find professional guidance at AStA. The staff of the Social, Hardship, and Legal Counseling departments are available each week via email, phone, or in person (you can find more detailed information on the Social Counseling, Hardship Counseling, and Legal Counseling pages).

Another core responsibility of AStA is representing the interests of students. Committee meetings are continually convened, whether it be AStA meetings, Student Parliament sessions, Senate meetings, University Conferences, or small gatherings with the Student Services, the University Presidency, administrative working groups, other student unions at the state and national level, or political representatives. Whether it's general agreements between the university and the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art (HMWK), equipping the dormitories with internet access, examination and study regulations, crisis management during the COVID-19 pandemic, or seemingly trivial matters like the availability of power outlets in the AStA corridor, students must invest weeks, sometimes months and years, sitting in committees and giving a voice to the student perspective.

As the numerically largest yet comparatively weaker variable in this equation, this work is not straightforward. Given the university's budget deficit and the fact that most problems require funding, it takes all of us. Only together can we advocate for a just, equitable university. There are many opportunities to get involved. In addition to AStA, faculty student councils (you can check with the Faculty Student Council or your department) and university groups (you can see the current groups at the Student Parliament) are good initial places to explore your engagement.



Do you have questions about bureaucratic processes in the immigration office, city office, or university?

If you couldn't find the answer in the following links:

Then write to us at the email address:

We will try to answer your question as quickly as possible.

Are you having a problem with your boss at work or your landlord and need a lawyer or someone who can guide you?

If you speak German, write to or come to the AStA on Wednesdays from 10:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 8 p.m

If you do not speak German, write us an email ( and we will find an appointment with the translation for you.

Are you having problems finding an (affordable) apartment?

We refer you to the Housing and Student Infrastructure Department (under the link: ) There are lots of useful links and informations, but if you have any questions or are not reading in German, then write to our email or come to our office hours on Thursday 10th - 12th.

Are you confronted with racism? Have you felt discriminated against because of some part of your identity?

There are so many people in the AStA dealing with this topic and you can get in touch or take part in one of our events. As a representative of international students, we are responsible for connecting you with the support groups you need. So write to us or come to our office hours. We are all together in the fight against racism and discrimination.

Referat derzeit nicht besetzt

Das Referat ist derzeit (Legislatur 2023/24) nicht besetzt; ein*e Kandidat*in hat zuletzt am 25.10.2023 vom 58. StuPa nicht die nötige Mehrheit erhalten.