25.11.2021, 6 pm: The Queer liberation movement

What does the word "Queer" mean ? How is the term used and how did it develop ? 

Sex, Gender, and Sexuality are subjects we constantly come across when we talk about issues in relation and within the context of "identity politics". How do we draw the line between these terms?

What does the word "intersectional" mean and why do anti-racist and feminist struggles have to be intersectional?!

What is Queer history and why marriage rights don't mark the end of discrimination and hate against the Queer community?

We will discuss all these questions and more in an online session on the 25th of November in BigBlueButton at 6 p.m. (18:00)


Rasheed Alashkar and  Parnaweh are a part of the political group queering default, which was able to deliver a more radical, anti-capitalist queer alternative to the commercial CSD parade in Leipzig. The group organized semi-barrier-free demonstrations, performances and workshops in which topics like fatphobia, anti-Semitism, disability and neurodiversity are included.

Queering Defaults focuses on intersectionality and highlights the connections between oppressive systems of white supremacy, capitalism and cis hetero patriarchy.

Rasheed Alaskar (he/him)  is a queer refugee and activist living in Leipzig and studying Arabic and Islamic studies.

Parwaneh Mirassan (they/them) is a musician, activist and part of the ballroom szene Leipzig. Their main job is at Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie (Conceptual Work New Economy)

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/queeringdefaults/

Blog : https://queeringdefaults.noblogs.org/


Rasheed Alaskar and Parwaneh Mirassan

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